Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Cow Says Mooooooo. . .

And then it slings saliva all over your face!! You may not know this, but cows do NOT like to have their ears pierced. I had first hand experience with this today as I helped tag 130 cows. The first 65 were the Momma Cows. For this part, I just loaded the gun and let our friend Kenny tag. Unfortunately, I was standing in a bad spot and spent a lot of time dodging cow spit. Then it was time for the sweet, adorable baby cows. . .NOT!! Adorable, yes. Sweet, no. Those suckers are strong!! But, I somehow managed to tag every last one of them. The worst part of the day was looking at their faces as they were being branded. Most would let out a yelp, with eyes wide and tongue protruding. Sad. Until the stupid baby cow smashed my finger!! Game on now, sucker! I branded one little cow and then it was back to tagging. Chris was The Vaccinator. The needle was HUGE! Oh, and if the calf had diarrhea, he would shove 3 antibiotic pills (Bactrim DS) down its throat. It was a fun and educational day from which I am exhausted.

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