Saturday, May 30, 2009

Garden & Hike

We planted tomatoes, potatoes, squash, carrots, and cucumbers in our freshly tilled garden today. Tomorrow, we'll plant the corn and beans and then we'll watch them all grow. . .hopefully. After all that hard work (see just how hard I worked below), we took a drive up our road into the mountain. The snow is melting and the flowers are blooming. Unfortunately, we only spotted a few deer. No moose :( Maybe next time.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Saved From the Jaws of Death

Chris and I were working (ok, I was tanning, he was working) in the yard when he walked in the garage to find Rex about to make a meal out of a sweet, innocent hummingbird!! Chris snatched up the exhausted bird just before Rex could get his mouth around him. It seems that the little bird had been working very hard to get out the garage and away from Rex. The bird laid limp, almost lifeless, in Chris' palm on the verge of death. I went in the house to get my camera and as I stepped back outside, Chris was giving the bird CPR. Yes, you read right. CPR to a tiny hummingbird. Just as I was about to take a picture of Chris lip to beak with the bird, the bird flew out of his hand and hovered just above my head. Chris saved his life!! Do I have the most amazing boyfriend or what?

Monday, May 25, 2009

Thank You

Chris and I would like to extend a very heartfelt "thank you" to all of our friends and family for their thoughts and prayers. We tend to get so preoccupied with our daily routines that we forget to think about, and thank, the one who created us. It has taken a traumatic accident to remind me of the power of God and prayer. He was obviously watching over me during the accident and continues each and every day to give me strength during my recovery. I have found myself praying more often and thinking about God and life more and more. Many people have told me that I'm lucky to be alive. I'm lucky to have a God that has a plan for me. And to have a boyfriend who loves me so much. I'm not always the easiest patient to take care of and Chris isn't known for his patience :) He has been amazingly strong, though. I know this hasn't been easy on him and everyday (ok, most days) I thank God for him. Occassionally, I want to whack him in the head with my incentive spirometer. My parents and Chris' mom have been lifesavers!! Thank you all so much for taking such good care of me! My whites thank you too. . .Chris just plain scares me when he does laundry. Um, and let me just say that never have we eaten so good. All of our friends and people we barely even know have kept our refrigerator stocked! It's like one really long Thanksgiving here. The towns of Sheridan and Twin Bridges are full of the most kind-hearted people ever. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU so much to all of you.

Now, an update. . .

Dr. Russo, my orthopedic surgeon, gave me a wonderful report last Wednesday. My x-rays that day were unchanged from the post-op x-rays, which is good news. Everything is still where it should be and the healing process is coming along just fine. I see him again June 1st for more x-rays. If all looks well, he will schedule a CT for around July 1st (roughly 8 weeks from surgery). If he likes the CT, then he'll start weaning me from the collar. Yippppeeeee!!!! I'm sure I'll have some separation anxiety. . .nothing some good drugs won't help me through (just kidding).

I'm finally able to get out of the recliner on my own, sleeping in my bed, and eating at the dining room table. My pain is perfectly controlled, about a 2 or 3, with the fentanyl patch (12 mcg for those who care). Today I walked 1 mile with no problems and my shiner is much improved. Some days are emotionally tougher than others, but I would say that overall I'm doing FANTASTIC!! I'm ready to help Chris in the garden, mow the grass, go back to work, clean the house, and cook dinner. . .all in good time, I suppose.

The Lehwalder's backyard. That's us with Miss Lois. She's helping Chris with the garden. She's so sweet.

Lois' tulips. We're hoping to have some of our own soon.

Tryptophan + Fentanyl = SLEEPINESS
At least that's what Chris and I were trying to depict in this picture with a piece of turkey hanging out of my mouth. Look how great my eye and incision look!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Just Some Pictures

Our House

Behind the house

Side of the house

The next 3 are taken in front of the house.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Cow Says Mooooooo. . .

And then it slings saliva all over your face!! You may not know this, but cows do NOT like to have their ears pierced. I had first hand experience with this today as I helped tag 130 cows. The first 65 were the Momma Cows. For this part, I just loaded the gun and let our friend Kenny tag. Unfortunately, I was standing in a bad spot and spent a lot of time dodging cow spit. Then it was time for the sweet, adorable baby cows. . .NOT!! Adorable, yes. Sweet, no. Those suckers are strong!! But, I somehow managed to tag every last one of them. The worst part of the day was looking at their faces as they were being branded. Most would let out a yelp, with eyes wide and tongue protruding. Sad. Until the stupid baby cow smashed my finger!! Game on now, sucker! I branded one little cow and then it was back to tagging. Chris was The Vaccinator. The needle was HUGE! Oh, and if the calf had diarrhea, he would shove 3 antibiotic pills (Bactrim DS) down its throat. It was a fun and educational day from which I am exhausted.