Sunday, April 19, 2009

Spring Is Here. . .For Now Anyway

This weekend I wore short sleeves and it was GREAT!! The sun was shining, the sky was blue, and it was in the upper 50s. . .whooooohoooo!!! Maggie did a little gopher hunting yesterday since we have so many in our yard. She had one trapped under some boards so Chris and I decided to give her a little help. When we lifted the board, the gopher came running out towards Chris. He squealed (like a girl) something about a badger and an electric eel(it makes no sense, I know)and dropped the board. Maggie actually caught the gopher by its tail end. She let it go and it survived another day, unfortunately. One of these days I'm going to break an ankle in a stupid gopher hole!
For those of you that have never seen one, this is a gopher (to the left of the huge pile of poop).

I was on the left, Chris on the right.

Digging for gophers.

Did I mention our grass is turning green? Yay!

Our new bird feeder. It has been a very busy place!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I would have paid a hundred bucks to have seen that!!!!! I can definitely picture Chris squeeling like a little girl....Mags looks like she was having herself a great time. I bet she is still tasting dirt. Who knew that little housedog had such hunter in her??